What makes you happy at work? What’s feeling rough? Are people around you asking you about your resolution for 2022? It is common to make resolutions at the start of the new year. The idea of the “new year’s resolution” can seem daunting and overwhelming. Jerry Seinfeld uses the strategy of “don’t break the chain.” Set a goal, do something for that goal daily, and mark the day off on a calendar. The idea is that daily steps, as little as they may be, will help you create a habit towards achieving a larger goal. Perhaps this is a great time to write down your goals, re-connect with your values, and say goodbye to anything that’s dragging you down.
Something to Do
Climate Change, Sustainability, and U (and you)
Wednesday, January 26, 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom meeting
Join Heidi Roop, Assistant Professor of Climate Science and Shane Stennes, the University's Director of Sustainability, for an in-depth discussion on the impact of climate change and sustainability at a global and local level. Attendees will walk away with a deeper understanding of climate change, the University's response, and how they can take individual, meaningful action.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia
Wednesday, April 20, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. via Zoom
Founder and Chief Strategist Diya Khanna of Global IDEA will be joining us to talk about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in academia. The talk will be a 45-minute long presentation and 15-minute Q&A and will touch on what DEI is and why it matters in universities. Diya will speak to us about how to find practical solutions to ongoing challenges and leave us with takeaways that we can use to create more diverse, equitable, inclusive environments. Please join us to learn how you can be DEI ambassadors!
Someone to Congratulate
If you or a WIT member you know has won an award or has an achievement that you would like to highlight please email [email protected] so we can share your accomplishment(s) in our next newsletter.
Something to Listen To, Read, or Watch
- Joy at Work - Book from professional organizer Marie Kondo on how to clean up your work life, reduce toil, and focus on the things that spark joy
- Ted Talk: Christine Carter: The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit
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Get Involved!
Want to join UMN WIT? Let us know!
If you’d like to join any of our committees, have questions or ideas regarding how to get involved, contact [email protected].
As always, please like and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook!